
2023-12-10 14:35:02

leaf [liːf] (pl. leaves) n. [C] ○1叶子;○2(书籍等的)一张;○3扇页
The trees have come into leaf.这些树已经长出叶子了。[come into leaf长出叶子]

learn [lɜːn] (learnt, learnt) v.○1学习;○2记住;○3得知;○4认识到 
Their children are going to learn English.他们的孩子们打算学英语。
learn by oneself  自学‖learn from向…学习‖learn English学习英语‖learn about了解;学习‖learn by oneself自学‖learn of听说,听到;获悉‖learn to do做事;学会做某事;学习做…‖learn how to learn学习如何学习‖learn by heart记住;默记;背诵‖learn a lesson受到教训‖learn and live活到老学到老;学无止境
【易错警示】learn / study
learn learn 多指初学或者是带有模仿性的操作技艺的学习,侧重于学习的结果,多指“学会”。He is learning English from the teacher. 他正跟老师学英语。
study study 侧重于学习的过程,有时指较为高深的或周密的研究或研究性学习。He is studying the maths problem.他正在研究数学问题。

learner ['lɜːnə] n. 学习者,初学者
What does a successful language learner do? 成功的语言学习者是怎样做的呢?

legend ['ledʒ(ə)nd] n. 传奇;说明;图例;
This legend still spreads abroad among the people.这个传奇故事依然在民间广泛流传。

lemon ['lemən] n. [C] 柠檬;adj. 柠檬色的
lemon juice柠檬汁‖lemon tree柠檬树‖lemon tea柠檬茶,柠檬果茶

least [liːst] adj. 最小的;最少的(little的最高级)adv. 最小;最少n. 最小;最少
You might at least tell me first before you do the work.干那项工作之前,你至少也该先告诉我一声。[at least 至少,起码]
in the least一点;丝毫‖at the very least至少;起码;一点‖least of all最不;尤其‖least cost最小成本;最低成本‖at the least无论如何(等于at the very least)

1. all kinds of _________
2. peace of mind _________
3. play the drums ____________
4. ask sb. to do sth.___________
5. teach sb. to do sth____________
6. 弹钢琴________________
7. 使得他开心______________
8. 在世界上____________
9. 坏天气_______________
10. 一只可爱的狗______________

1. 他八岁时,他父亲请了一位音乐教师教他弹钢琴。  
When he was eight, his father ______ a music teacher ___ ____ him _____ _____ the piano.
2. 对他来说这是一大乐事。
It is _____ _______ _____ him.
3. 他说用小提琴演奏的古典音乐使他快乐
  He says classical music _____ _____ the violin ______ him ______.
4. 多坏的天气啊!
_________ __________ __________!
5. 莫扎特的父亲决定给他的小儿子上音乐课。
Father Mozart _______  _________ _______ his little boy music lessons.



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