
2021-09-30 13:48:15

1. tie /taɪ/  n. & v.
1). a long, thin piece of material that is worn under a shirt collar, especially by men, and tied in a knot at the front  领带
例句: He always wears a jacket and tie to work.  他上班时总是穿西服打领带。
2). any piece of string, plastic, metal, etc. that is used to fasten or hold together something (绑扎东西用的)带子,绳子
例句: Can you see the ties for the rubbish bags in the cupboard? 
3). the friendly feelings that people have for other people, or special connections with places 纽带;关系,联系
例句: Family ties are weaker if you move a long way away. 离家太远就会与家人疏远。
1). to fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long, thin material, or to (cause to) hold together with a long, thin piece of string, material, etc.
例句: Tie (up) your shoelaces, or you'll trip over them. 
2). to relate to or connect to  与…相关
例句: Can you tie his behaviour up with anything that's happened recently? 

2. row /rəʊ/  n.
1). a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other一排;一行;一列
例句: We had seats in the front/back row of the theatre. 我们坐在剧场前/后排。
2). the activity of making a boat move through water using oars (= poles with flat ends)
例句: They've gone for a row to the island.   他们划船去那个岛了。

3. pass /pɑ:s/  v.
1). to go past something or someone or move in relation to it, him, or her经过,路过
例句:I passed him on the stairs this morning. 
2). to be successful in an exam, course, etc 通过(考试、课程等)
例句: The exam is so hard that only five percent of all applicants pass. 
3). to give something to someone 传递,传送
例句:Could you pass the salt please?  你能把盐递给我吗?
4). When time passes, it goes past. (时间)推移,流逝
例句:Time seems to pass (by) so slowly when you're bored. 

4. absent /ˈæbsənt/  adj.
not in the place where you are expected to be, especially at school or work
例句: John has been absent from school/work for three days now. 

5. pool /pu:l/  n.
1). a small area of usually still water  水塘,水池,潭
例句:We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore. 
2). a small amount of liquid on a surface  (液体的)一滩,一片
例句: a pool of blood/oil  一滩血/油



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