
2021-01-23 09:48:50

4、链条应保持清洁,并定期对其注油保养,采用30号、40号机油,可用油刷(无条件时毛刷也可)将润滑油均匀地分布在链条铰链 间隙中并经常检查润滑效果。
6、链条在使用过程中如遇到酸、喊性过大的污染物品,应及时对其进行清洗,并重新上油,以免造成对链传动机构产生腐蚀,影响使用 性能。


欢迎各位拨打电话: 0317-2908675,或者到我们网站了解更多摩托车链轮!

Ming Yi Machinery (Guangdong) Trading Co., Ltd. use, maintenance and maintenance of chain
1、The chain should be kept working under good environment condition during its drive operation and the protection device is indispensable to prevent obstacles such as dust, mud and sand etc、into chain、Cleaning the chain timely to avoid chain damage.
2、Adjust the tensioning device timely to keep the smooth operation of chain.
3、The chain in the course of normal wear causes the chain lengthened results chain the sag will gradually increase, the chain generated severe beating, increase chain wear, and even the jump teeth off the teeth, and should therefore be timelyadjust its tightness, and observe whether the front and rear sprocket and chain and related components along the same line, and found that the problem should be immediately corrected, remove troubles, be sure.
4、The chain should be kept clean, and its oiling and maintenance on a regular basis, it is best to use a 30, 40, oil, available oil (unconditional brush also can) the lubricant evenly distributed in the chain hinge gap and regular checks lubricating effect.
5、Ming Yi Machinery (Guangdong) Trading Co., Ltd. start of the chain, Note smooth, and shall not overload, do not allow partial load, in order to avoid the chain the fracture aperture elongated pin prolapse overload lead to accidents.
6、The chain in the course of such encounters acid, alkaline contaminated items should be cleaned and re-oiled, to avoid corrosion of the chain drive mechanism, affect performance.

7、Replace chain sprocket tooth prof丨le status should be checked, when the sprocket teeth grind ratchet toothed or pot-like shqpe, you must replace it with a new sprocket. Do not simply swap a new chain, otherwise it will not only fail to guarantee the normal chain drive, and even cause the chain unnecessary early damage and failure.

Welcome to call: 0317-2908675, or visit our website to learn more about motorcycle sprockets!



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